Fallout: Amazon Prime goes atomic with new scifi TV series (trailer).
Well, strap on your Pip-Boys and pop a Rad-X, folks, because it’s time to venture into the delightfully deranged world of Fallout, where the future is so bright, you’ve gotta wear shades. Not because of the sun, mind you, but because of the lingering glow of nuclear fallout. Ready your Nuka-Colas and let’s dive into this irradiated barrel of laughs and lunacy.
First up, we have the ever-so-charming Lucy, played by Ella Purnell. Imagine spending two centuries cooped up in a vault, only to emerge and find out your biggest problem isn’t finding a date for Saturday night but avoiding being someone’s dinner. Talk about a tough break. Then there’s Aaron Moten as Maximus, a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. Because nothing says “I’m here to help” quite like a guy in power armor who’s more tank than man. Maximus is the kind of guy you’d want by your side in a bar fight, provided you could find a bar still standing.
And who could forget Walton Goggins as The Ghoul? A title like that just oozes charisma, doesn’t it? He’s been around since before the bombs dropped, which means he’s got more stories than a pre-war library. Just don’t mind the peeling skin; it’s perfectly normal, he assures you. Our brave new world is a place where you can’t swing a mutated cat without hitting some form of danger. Whether it’s a band of Raiders looking to lighten your load (of your head, that is) or a pack of Deathclaws inviting you to a dance (and by dance, I mean a frantic attempt to escape their clutches), there’s never a dull moment.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s a certain charm to the wasteland, from the quaintly radioactive sunsets to the roving bands of surprisingly musical Super Mutants. And who needs Michelin stars when you’ve got irradiated mole rat on a stick?
Kudos to Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, who decided that what the world really needed was a show about the end of it. With their track record on Westworld, you can bet they’ll have us questioning the nature of our reality all over again, assuming we’re not too distracted by the two-headed deer prancing through the set. And let’s not forget the dynamic duo of Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner, steering this ship through turbulent nuclear waters. With such a stellar cast and crew, Fallout promises to be the kind of show that grabs you by the Geiger counter and doesn’t let go.
Anyhoo, grab your Vault-Tec approved survival gear and settle in for a show that’s guaranteed to be a blast (too soon?). Whether you’re here for the nostalgia, the dark humor, or just to see how long Walton Goggins’ character can go before losing another body part, Fallout is the post-apocalyptic party you won’t want to miss. Just remember, in the wasteland, the real enemy is not knowing where your next bottle of purified water is coming from. Cheers, and may your RadAway be plentiful.