
The horror, the horror. What the heck is evolutionary horror? (video).

Today on SFcrowsnest, we’re delving into a particularly spine-chilling topic: Evolutionary Horror. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Evolution? That’s not scary, that’s just a natural process!” Well, my dear readers, that’s where you’re wrong. Evolution can be downright terrifying when combined with a healthy dose of sci-fi.

Think about it: we like to believe that we’re the peak of evolution, the ultimate expression of millions of years of natural selection. But what if we’re not? What if we’re just one step in an endless process of change, a process that may take us to unimaginable heights of power and intelligence, or plunge us into the abyss of madness and horror?

That’s the core of Evolutionary Horror, a genre that explores the dark possibilities of what could happen if we tamper with our DNA, merge with machines, or encounter beings from other worlds that challenge our very concept of humanity. It’s a genre that embraces both the awe-inspiring wonder of evolution and the gut-churning terror of the unknown.

Let’s take a quick tour of some of the highlights of this genre. We have classic stories like “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream,” which envisions a post-apocalyptic world where a rogue supercomputer has transformed the last survivors of humanity into twisted, tortured creatures. Or “The Thing,” which pits a team of Antarctic researchers against a shape-shifting alien that can mimic any form it encounters, blurring the line between friend and foe.

Then we have modern masterpieces like “Annihilation,” which follows a team of scientists exploring a mysterious, mutating zone called the Shimmer, where DNA is no longer bound by the rules of nature. Or “A Quiet Place,” which portrays a world where sound-hunting monsters have wiped out most of humanity, forcing survivors to live in silence and adapt to a new way of life.

And of course, we have the juggernauts of the genre, the movies and games that have seared themselves into our collective nightmares. “Terminator 2,” which imagines a future where self-aware machines have taken over the world, and the only hope for humanity is a cyborg assassin sent back in time. “Alien,” which redefined horror and sci-fi by introducing the iconic, phallic-headed xenomorph, a perfect killing machine bred for destruction. “The Walking Dead” and “The Last of Us,” which explore the emotional and physical toll of surviving in a world overrun by zombies, and the choices we must make to protect ourselves and those we love.

So, what makes Evolutionary Horror so effective at scaring us? Perhaps it’s the sense that we’re always just one step away from being devoured by the jaws of evolution, that our bodies and minds are never truly safe from the forces of change. Perhaps it’s the way this genre asks us to confront our deepest fears of the unknown and the uncontrollable, to grapple with questions of identity, purpose, and mortality. Or perhaps it’s simply the sheer creativity and imagination that goes into crafting these visions of a world transformed.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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