Doctor WhoMusic/Audio

The Diary Of River Song Series 07 by Lizbeth Myles, Roy Gill, James Kettle and James Goss (CD review).

Number seven is considered lucky for some, and we’re only halfway through River Song’s Diary. This time, River Song takes on the role of a detective, reminiscent of the fictional Melody Malone in the final story. Before that, the stories traverse various parts of the universe, including an investigation in medieval England.

Colony Of Strangers by James Goss

On the distant planet Bondar, inhabitants speak with melodic accents and form tight-knit communities. However, there’s no mention of knitwear. River Song (portrayed by Alex Kingston) is vacationing by a lake in this Nordic-esque colony. Her peaceful stay is disrupted by bodies that continuously appear on the shore. The local sheriff, Karl Karlson (Charles Armstrong), and Mayor, Gudrun Gudrunson (Wanda Opalinska), are on the case but grow suspicious of River.

This Nordic Noir-inspired story is captivating. River is truly in her element, as is Alex Kingston. The narrative is both mysterious and eerily unsettling at times, with Armstrong and Opalinska amplifying the suspense.

Abbey Of Heretics by Lizbeth Myles

River Song is determined to explore every corner of the world. In this tale, despite warnings of a mysterious illness, she insists on staying at a medieval abbey to avoid freezing outside. Fans will eagerly anticipate seeing cosplays of River as she delves into the secrets these nuns harbor. However, her primary focus is the abbey’s library, which usually spells trouble.

Barrister To The Stars by James Kettle

In a bind, River summons the expertise of 20th Century barrister Roger Hodgkiss (David Rintoul). She is determined to ensure justice is served at a pace that allows her to conduct her own inquiry, especially since she’s accused of murder and tired of imprisonment. Hodgkiss quickly adapts to his futuristic surroundings, teeming with aliens, and eagerly assists River in uncovering the true culprit.

The story is rich with imaginative aliens. The dynamic between River and Hodgkiss is captivating, supported by a cast that injects humor into this adventure.

Carnival Of Angels by Roy Gill

This prequel to the TV episode ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’ introduces Melody Malone, the sought-after private detective in town. Accompanying her is Luke Sullieman (Timothy Blore), a former student discontented with his role as her secretary despite boasting a First in archaeology granted by River herself – a decision she now regrets. The plot thickens when Marty Stone (Clive Hayward) seeks her expertise to investigate a murder – his own.

Set in 1930s New York, the presence of the menacing Weeping Angels adds a layer of peril. Roy Gill masterfully integrates the Weeping Angels into this engaging and action-packed narrative, teeming with ambiance and enigmatic characters.

This collection offers diverse narratives. River embarks on Nordic noir, channels Perry Mason in a space setting, delves into American film noir, and even channels her inner Julie Andrews. It’s pure entertainment, with a fantastic supporting cast that enhances the audio experience. The sound design and music consistently impress. While the acting and storytelling often garner praise, it’s essential to acknowledge the entire team responsible for these audios. Their expertise ensures that ‘The Diary Of River Song’ consistently delivers compelling tales for Alex to immerse herself in.

Sue Davies

October 2023

(pub: Big Finish, 2020. 5 CDs 300 minutes 5 stories. Price: £34.99 (UK). ISBN: 978-1-78703-509-6)

cast: Alex Kingston, Charles Armstrong, Annette Badland, Timothy Blore, Aurora Burghart, Annabelle Dowler, Daniel Easton, Jaye Griffiths, Clive Hayward, Paul Heath , Janet Henfrey, Glen McCready, Wanda Opalinska, David Rintoul, Issy Van Randwyck and Robert Whitelock

check out website: www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/the-diary-of-river-song-series-07-1745

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