Tendai Huchu to attend Glasgow 2024 WorldCon: expect a blast of dystopian Edinburgh? (con news)
In a move that has genre fans adjusting their monocles in surprise, the Glasgow 2024 science fiction WorldCon has snagged Zimbabwean author T.L. (Tendai) Huchu as a Special Guest. That’s right, the man who reimagined Edinburgh as a place even more fantastical than it already is will be gracing the Worldcon stage next year. And let’s be honest, with a series set in a dystopian future version of Edinburgh, Huchu’s probably got a lot to say about haggis and bagpipes in the apocalypse.
Huchu, known for his genre-bending ways, first wowed the literary world with The Hairdresser of Harare back in 2010. Since then, he’s been sprinkling his magic dust on the publishing world, one dystopian fantasy at a time. His Edinburgh Nights series, featuring such intriguingly named titles as The Library of the Dead, Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments, and The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle, has been keeping readers up at night, no doubt wondering if their local library might secretly be a gateway to another world.
Now, as we eagerly await the fourth installment, The Legacy of Arniston Hall, due in October 2024, Huchu is prepping to descend upon Glasgow. He’s looking forward to “meeting people, sharing ideas, and nerding out,” which, let’s face it, is the Worldcon spirit in a nutshell. Glasgow 2024: where you go to find your tribe of dystopian dreamers and Edinburgh escapists.
Esther MacCallum-Stewart, the convention chair, can’t contain her excitement. She’s been “absolutely gripped” by Huchu’s series. And who can blame her? Who doesn’t love a good romp through a future Scotland that’s as mysterious as it is fascinating? Huchu’s imaginative take on Scotland – and beyond – showcases the kind of talent that makes you wonder if he’s secretly got a time machine.
For those not in the know, Tendai Huchu isn’t just any writer. His works have graced the pages of Lightspeed, Interzone, and even Analog Science Fiction & Fact. He’s a literary trophy collector, with awards like the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award and an Alex Award decorating his mantlepiece. His latest, The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle, has been out since summer 2023, presumably giving his fans just enough time to devour it before meeting the man himself in Glasgow.
So, if you’re into fantastical dystopias, intriguing mysteries, or just want to see how one man can turn Edinburgh into a setting for a fantasy series, Glasgow 2024 is the place to be. Get ready to dive into discussions about whether the Royal Mile is actually a portal to another dimension, or if Arthur’s Seat is really an ancient dragon in disguise. With Huchu in town, anything’s possible.