Fallout 4: the game that thinks it’s a Terminator movie?
A new trailer for post-World-War-3 survival game Fallout 4 reveals a story arc that has a distinctly Terminator-ish feel to it. Did those damn robots kill this world, too? A pox on you Skynet!
The game finally arrives Tuesday, November 10th 2015.
I think this is a legit concern. I actually loved the terminator/synth idea as the main source of strife. However, they never actually say what started the war between China and America, they could make it a skynet situation. Though it would probably be more like War Games.
Still, this game tends to be about human stupidity and mistakes, not robot ones. I think it’ll be more of a Geth-like morality situation. Are they sentient or not? What kind of rights does this machine deserve?