
Editorial – October 2023: Jaw-dropping.

Hello everyone,

There are many events that are potentially or even are jaw-dropping in life. For some, its thought would never happen in our lifetimes. Now they are happening so fast, you do have to wonder what is happening to the world. Is it catching up with our desires or has its people? Security is becoming less of a problem after all these years.

Take the United States Navy footage of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon aka UAPs. They probably thought giving it a different name would take it away from the SF term as an Unidentified Flying Object aka UFO but its just a name change for the same thing. I wonder if the UFOlogists will change their name but UAPologists sounds a mouthful and sounds like they would be apologising for something.

No doubt when we actually find out what they really are, there will no doubt be another name change. Do you think Identified Alien Phenomenon aka IAPs would catch on? Now with the classified files being opened up in not only the USA but in other countries as well, it must be a dream for those examining UAP reports to put together occurrences and look for patterns. We might even be lucky to track where the flaps happen and then have a chance to have our first encounters with extra-terrestrials in our lifetime. Hopefully, with no hostility. Even so, as already discussed, this would have a major change to how we view the world and especially in our own Science Fiction. It’ll be interesting to see how our fictional interpretation will match the real thing. Thankfully, we get to live through it. In a touch of irony, one of the reasons they might well be avoiding us is because of the various infections we carry that they have no resistance to. If that is the case, HG Wells will have scored again.

The possibility of meeting extra-terrestrials in our own lifetime might even beat those missions to Jupiter and Saturn moons looking for primitive life. Based purely on the various shaped UAPs, one can only hope we have at least 5 or 6 different extra-terrestrial lifeforms on Earth. Whether they live as a collective or in separate colonies, we’ll have a whole different perspective on life in the universe that will change mankind forever. I explore this more in this month’s article.

The same jaw-dropping also applies to Loch Ness and it’s a shame that a proper record wasn’t made of four ‘blobs’ recorded in the recent scan. That does affirm that there is a probable breeding stock. Equally important is the discovery of a cave system, so its not difficult to put the two together as to where they might go. Who knows, we might eventually have real proof and photos of an unknown cryptozoology creature in our own lifetime. From that perspective, once we’ve got that elusive photo we might look through all previous evidence as to what was real and faked.

I’m also a usual victim of synergy. Things pop up when I least expect them but always useful for my research. The 2 hour long ‘Loch Ness: Hunting The Monster’ on UK’s Channel 5 on 22nd September is likely to show up in other formats and gives the history and sorting the fake from the ‘real’ and worth a look. Although it doesn’t include the more recent scan of the Loch, it does raise an interesting conclusion that the indigenous species might be a giant eel. The length of a whale places it at around 30-40 feet long. Roughly, the same size or a lot bigger than an anaconda and, presumably, a bit wider. Considering they are supposed to swim above salmon while feeding, you would think it would now become easier to be in the right place at the right time with a drone or three keeping a look out. It also doesn’t explain the bulges its supposed to have or, for that matter, as with normal eels why it doesn’t have a thin dorsal fin on its back which is most seen and photographed but who’s to say its not an odd sort of eel? We’re going to need a different sort of bait if its big enough to swallow salmon whole.

In comparison, the discovery of, pick your own words, Sasquatch, Big Foot or Yeti is probably less so. One can only to establish they have colonies or hunters could finish off the last of their species. Even so, if they are discovered, then they are part of our own species, an immediate preservation order world-wide.

Of course, it could also be possible for us all to see the on-set of global warming at a point that we will never recover in our own lifetimes as well. Seeing the weather effects in different countries this year is bad enough and its likely to escalate in the years to come. It ain’t going to be pretty. Its the one jaw-dropping moment that we don’t want.

Then again, we do have another alternative ending of the world should certain dictators go to war against the rest of us. Then we would no jaws left to drop.

Thank you, take care, good night and hope is better than no hope.

Geoff Willmetts


A Zen thought: Are all old souls geeks?

What Qualities Does A Geek Have: To celebrate a jaw-dropping moment.

The Reveal: With global warming, is mankind on its way to becoming an extinct species and we just haven’t spotted it yet?

Observation: In military training, all pilots are trained to identify terrestrial aircraft. One can only hope UAPs are added to this list and to avoid open hostilities. They haven’t attacked us and have mostly avoided confrontation but we would live up to their fears if we did.

Observation: One thing that has always puzzled me about Johnny Cash’s song, ‘A Boy Named Sue’ is why had he never heard of the deed poll to change his name?

Observation: Did anyone ever wonder with the 2011 film ‘Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes’ that the primates couldn’t take a joke?

Feeling Stressed: In comparison, the seasons are even more stressed and don’t know how long they are going to last.



Geoff Willmetts has been editor at SFCrowsnest for some 21 plus years now, showing a versatility and knowledge in not only Science Fiction, but also the sciences and arts, all of which has been displayed here through editorials, reviews, articles and stories. With the latter, he has been running a short story series under the title of ‘Psi-Kicks’ If you want to contribute to SFCrowsnest, read the guidelines and show him what you can do. If it isn’t usable, he spends as much time telling you what the problems is as he would with material he accepts. This is largely how he got called an Uncle, as in Dutch Uncle. He’s not actually Dutch but hails from the west country in the UK.

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