
Breathe: scifi post-apocalyptic movie (first trailer).

Set against a foreboding dystopian future, Breathe emerges as an enthralling action thriller directed by Stefon Bristol and crafted by screenwriter Doug Simon. This cinematic endeavor, adorned with an ensemble cast featuring Jennifer Hudson, Milla Jovovich, Quvenzhané Wallis, Common, and Sam Worthington, is primed to captivate audiences with its intense and poignant storyline.

In the desolate future envisioned by Breathe, Earth has become inhospitable, its air unbreathable, compelling the remnants of humanity to dwell underground. Amidst this bleak backdrop, we are introduced to Maya, portrayed by Jennifer Hudson, and her daughter Zora, brought to life by Quvenzhané Wallis. Their existence is a claustrophobic life of seclusion, punctuated by ventures to the surface encased in an advanced oxygen suit, the last remnant of Maya’s husband Darius’s ingenuity, depicted by Common.

The arrival of a cryptic duo, Tess and Lucas, characters embodied by Milla Jovovich and Sam Worthington, disrupts their fragile semblance of safety. Claiming to bear news of Darius, they insinuate themselves into Maya and Zora’s bunker, setting off a chain of events fraught with tension, deception, and a dire struggle for survival.

The script for Breathe captured the imagination of Hollywood insiders, securing its position on the 2019 Black List of admired yet unproduced screenplays, signaling its potential to resonate with and enthrall viewers.

The film benefits from a diverse and talented cast, with Jennifer Hudson delivering a performance that melds vulnerability with resilience. Milla Jovovich, a stalwart of the action genre, is anticipated to add a nuanced depth to her role as Tess, while the prodigious Quvenzhané Wallis embodies the hope and innocence pivotal to the film’s core.

Shot in the varied landscapes of Pennsylvania, the film’s setting provides a visually compelling stage for its narrative, infusing the story with a sense of realism and immediacy.

Scheduled for release in limited theaters and through VOD and digital formats on April 26, 2024, Breathe stands ready to offer not just a riveting tale of survival but also an introspective look into the human condition under the shadow of a conceivable future calamity.

Breathe invites viewers to embark on a journey fraught with peril, courage, and the unyielding strength of the human spirit. It beckons us to reflect on the essence of survival, the bonds of family, and the enduring power of hope amidst despair. As the narrative of Maya and Zora unfolds, it promises to be not only a narrative of endurance but a poignant reminder of our intrinsic resilience and interconnectedness.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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