UFO/UAP news roundup (First of 2022).
Here’s the weekly roundup of all the new content that is fit to print, and some that probably isn’t, concerning the topic of UFOs, UAPs, and a sugary side-dollop of woo.
According to Richard Dolan, the Gillibrand Amendment establishes a potentially powerful UAP/UFO group inside the Pentagon. But, in the framework of the present top-down globalist upheaval, how far can such an organisation go?
Cristina Gomez interviews Norio Hayakawa, the former director of CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL, a loosely-knit citizens’ monitoring body on government accountability. He’s been a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, and he’s most known for his UFOlogy investigations in and around New Mexico and the American Southwest.
As we enter the New Year, Peter Robbins joins Fade to Black for an open and honest talk about where we are with the media and the issue of UFOs/UAPs. Peter is an investigative journalist, author, and speaker who focuses his writing and research on really abnormal UFOs and their ramifications for mankind.
The death of Senator Harry Reid is a big loss for UFO openness because he was one of the first big hitters to support this movement. In his honour, there will be a special episode of the Moszkowicz Show with guests.
Area 51’s S-4 is found On Google Earth by the UFO Proof Channel (where Bob Lazar said he worked). Here’s the video of Google Earth being examined by the Gufon bloke. Don’t bother checking the coordinates like he did, though, it’s already been “cleaned up” by the Do-No-Evil types at the big G.
This is a special treat for you this holiday season. It includes some of the best moments from this year’s coverage of the UFO File Issue by the Dark Journalist Show and its geopolitical fallout, as well.
How the missing $21 trillion in the U.S. Government budget might had fed the classified UFO/UAP programs over the years.
When it comes to the Post Disclosure World, UFO Jesus tackles the subject of whether having the answers or not having the answers will be the stimulus for our species’ growth.
This hour-long documentary film is about Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016), an Apollo 14 astronaut, who was also an ardent UFO advocate.
Since the Foo Fighters terrified Winston Churchill, there has been rumours about them. The phenomena has been investigated by the British Ministry of Defence. According to their findings, the majority of UAPs are a kind of plasma. Is it possible that it may be utilised for military purposes? The truth is exposed in this astonishing report: the British are aware of the genuine nature of the vast majority of UAP and have developed gadgets that can recreate its effects.
Prof. Simon conducts an investigation, and discovers that other nations have also employed plasma technology to develop military systems. Surprisingly, this paper discloses the United Kingdom’s stance toward an Alien invasion and offers recommendations for RAF pilots in the event that they come upon a UFO.
This livestream episode of Mysteries with a History features Cristina Gomez and Jimmy Church investigating accounts, reports, and stories of encounters with huge unidentified flying objects, UFOs of enormous size, and what some refer to as alien motherships.
Cristina and Jimmy muse how over the years, spectacular unexplained objects (UAPs) and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been seen, sometimes from the ground and other times by pilots in the air. Massive UAPs and UFOs have been observed that move quietly at night and dominate the sky during the day. We will endeavour to cover sightings reported by trustworthy sources like as pilots and police officers, as well as mass sightings, in this edition of the show.
Thanks to science fiction & fantasy author Stephen Hunt for compiling and authoring this weekly report. Best-known for creating the steampunk genre with his best-selling Jackelian series (HarperCollins/Macmillan/Tor), the first of Stephen’s Sliding Void space opera series adventures was simultaneously the #1 most downloaded novel on Amazon UK, Amazon USA, Amazon Australia, and Amazon Canada. Mr. H. now makes time in between scribbling his literary endeavours to go so far down the rabbit hole that we’d need to dispatch the White Rabbit as a Crash Retrieval Specialist to rescue his ass.