World getting weirder

U.S. Department of Defence looks to de-rail the American Senate from setting up a powerful new ‘X-Files’-unit (news).

Many citizens in the USA were excited about Senator Gillibrand tabling the establishment of a more super-charged new UAP/UFO investigation unit called ASTRO, with the remit of getting to the bottom of all these strange craft shadowing naval nuclear-powered/armed taskforces, squatting over missile launch sites, and turning off their nuclear deterrent, etc, not to mention zipping in from orbit to ground-level in seconds.

However, the establishment Department of Defence was far less impressed by the U.S. Senate’s promise to (a) regularly publish open declassified reports on the unit’s progress and (b) give said ASTRO unit real teeth in its ability to go into stove-piped Special Access Programs and kick over stones (you know, the SAP programs where recovered UAP wreckage definitely aren’t being poked by puzzled scientists much in the manner of Androcentric proto-humans banging confused on a large black monolith).

U.S. DOD has now indicated its displeasure by creating a rival agency called AOIMSG, with a far more limited remit and a mandate for total secrecy to try to head ASTRO off at the pass.

DOD even announced their unfunded rival unit’s creation on the eve of American Thanksgiving, to try to slip the news past the turkey-distracted UAP interest community and global media.

But their sly trickery was noticed.

Here’s some insightful comment on this underhand skulduggery from the UCR crew, as well as Witness Citizen and the Liberation Times.

Of course, the real question is, if there is no ‘there’, there, why the heck is the U.S. DOD so suddenly worried about the U.S. Senate getting inside their dodgy browser history? Hmmmm.

Here’s some comment from people ex-in-the-government who have been pushing for better open disclosure.

And lastly, one from Down Under.

U.S. Department of Defence looks to de-rail the American Senate from setting up a powerful new 'X-Files'-unit (news).
U.S. Department of Defence looks to de-rail the American Senate from setting up a powerful new ‘X-Files’-unit (news).

The Black Vault, however, has a more pragmatic take on how the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) has replaced the UAP Task Force.

Stephen Hunt

Stephen Hunt is a fantasy and science fiction author published in English the UK, Canada and Australasia by HarperCollins and in the USA by Tor. For all the foreign translations of his works, check out his web site at

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