
Monkey see, Monkey do: the 70s TV show that made you want a magic staff and/or flying cloud carpet? (TV retrospective)

Monkey Magic! Remember that catchy theme song? If you don’t, let our Damn Fine Stam Fine take you on a nostalgic trip back to 1978-79. A time when TV shows were simple, yet profoundly entertaining. Enter “Monkey” – a fantasy action comedy show that was all the rage back in the day. The show revolves around the adventures of the magical Monkey King. And oh boy, what an adventure it was. This wasn’t your average monkey. He had a magic staff that could whack demons and monsters out of existence. And when he wasn’t doing that? He was flying off on a cloud, which, let’s be honest, is the ultimate way to beat the traffic.

The plot might sound whimsical, but it carried deep undertones. Monkey’s journey to fetch holy scriptures in ancient China wasn’t just a fun escapade. It was a reflection of the chaos and the need for enlightenment in society. The show masterfully blended humor with profound life lessons.

Monkey, as a character, was a delightful paradox. He was both foolish and powerful, making him an intriguing and complex figure in the story. But like all great characters, he had his flaws. His arrogance led him to challenge none other than the Buddha! And the result? A 500-year timeout trapped under a mountain. Talk about a severe grounding. What made “Monkey” stand out was its uniqueness. Despite being rooted in a different cultural history, it steered clear of common storytelling tropes and cliches. It offered viewers a heartfelt and unique viewing experience that resonated across cultures.

The show also delved into the concept of duality. It portrayed societies at odds with each other – one bathed in perpetual daylight and the other shrouded in endless night. This stark contrast highlighted the differences and the underlying similarities between them. For those who might not know, “Monkey” is based on the celebrated Chinese epic “Journey to the West.” This tale has been translated and retold in various forms across different cultures and mediums. But the ’70s TV show brought its own flavor to the mix. So, why talk about a show from the ’70s now? Because “Monkey” is timeless. It’s one of those rare gems that can be enjoyed every few years for its emotional depth, action, and of course, the lighthearted fun.

In conclusion, if you haven’t watched “Monkey” yet, you’re missing out on a piece of TV history. And if you have, maybe it’s time for a rewatch. After all, who can resist the charm of the Monkey King and his magical escapades?

Monkey see, Monkey do: the 70s TV show that made you want a magic staff and/or flying cloud carpet? (TV retrospective)
Monkey see, Monkey do: the 70s TV show that made you want a magic staff and/or flying cloud carpet? (TV retrospective)


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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