
Greenland, Migration: the Garrity family faces Earth’s ruins in movie sequel (news).

In a cinematic world where comets threaten our very existence and Gerard Butler saves the day, Greenland made quite the impact. Now, hold onto your popcorn because Greenland: Migration, the science fiction sequel we’ve all been waiting for with bated breath, is about to kick into production gear this April 2023, as confirmed by Variety. Yes, you heard it right, and no, it’s not a drill or a comet false alarm.

Gerard Butler is back as John Garrity, the structural engineer who’s more adept at dodging comet fragments than handling his own family drama. Alongside Butler, Morena Baccarin returns to grace the screen as Allison Garrity, ensuring that the sequel’s emotional stakes are as high as its disaster quotient. The duo, under the helm of director Ric Roman Waugh and scribbled into existence by writer Chris Sparling, promises an adventure that’s out of this world—or at least, across what’s left of Europe.

For those who missed the end-of-the-world memo, the first Greenland flick had the Garrity family running from cometary doom, showcasing a blend of family drama and explosive effects that could put a firework show to shame. After surviving the initial comet calamity, the Garritys are now set to traverse the remnants of Europe in Greenland: Migration, in search of a new home. It’s like a family road trip, but with higher stakes and possibly fewer bathroom breaks.

The journey from script to screen hasn’t been all smooth sailing—or should we say, smooth meteor dodging. After a box office success of over $50 million amidst the 2020 pandemic, the sequel found itself in a bit of a development quagmire, thanks to some behind-the-scenes drama at STX Entertainment. Yet, like a phoenix rising from the ashes (or a family emerging from a bunker), Greenland: Migration has triumphed over its production challenges, ready to dazzle audiences once more.

As the folks over at SFcrowsnest might say, this is the kind of sequel that science fiction aficionados dream of: a blend of suspense, survival, and a dash of speculative what-ifs. With a cast that reads like a who’s who of action and drama, and a production team that’s weathered more than its fair share of industry comets, Greenland: Migration is poised to be a blockbuster that’ll have us all wondering if it’s time to start building our own bunkers.

So, as we eagerly await the Garrity family’s next perilous journey, one thing’s for certain: the world of disaster movies is about to get a thrilling new chapter. And for those of us who enjoy our apocalypses with a side of family reconciliation, Greenland: Migration can’t come soon enough. Here’s to hoping they find their new home before the next comet decides to RSVP to Earth’s party uninvited.

For the full scoop on this thrilling sequel, tip your hats to the original story over at Variety.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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