Dave Made A Maze (2017) : a film review by Mark R. Leeper.
‘Dave Made A Maze’ is reminiscent of a contemporary Forbidden Zone, infused with peculiar music. Dave assembles a maze in his living room using cardboard boxes, yet it inexplicably expands, becoming larger on the inside than it appears on the outside.
Is it like a TARDIS or merely ‘A Subway Called Moebius’? Mysteriously, the maze begins to feature booby traps, distorted perspectives and uncanny powers. The film intriguingly echoes elements of ‘Synecdoche’ in ways that are challenging to articulate.
Additionally, there’s a minotaur lurking within. By the conclusion, a distinction is made between a maze and a labyrinth.
Released theatrically on 18 August 2017. Rating: high +2 (-4 to +4), or 7/10.