World getting weirder

UFO/UAP news roundup (30th July 2023).

Here’s the weekly round-up of all the best new content that is fit to print, and some that probably isn’t, concerning the topic of UFOs, UAPs, and a sugary side-dollop of woo.

First off, we have a claim that’s sure to make you tingle: “The US government has in its possession downed examples of technology that, for lack of a better term, is not of this Earth.” Yes, you read that right. Not of this Earth. Then, our brave Navy pilot, David Fravor, steps up to the plate. He’s not just here to regale us with tales of strange lights in the sky, oh no. He’s here to tell us that these UFO sightings pose a national security threat. That’s right, folks, it’s not all fun and games in the world of extraterrestrial exploration.

But wait, there’s more! Apparently, there may be recovered materials related to UFOs that the scientific community is blissfully unaware of. This highlights a potential lack of knowledge and understanding among our dear bureaucrats. Shocking, I know. Now, don’t think this is a one-and-done deal. There’s ongoing interest and discussion in Congress about UFOs, indicating that further hearings and investigations may be planned. And in case you were wondering, yes, there’s a bit of shade thrown at Washington. Apparently, there are enough “lazy and/or corrupt people” there who “march to the bait of the dollar bill.” Ouch. Finally, we’re left with a chilling thought: “We’re showing some very terrifying stuff about our country and our defense system and how we’re woefully unprepared against some of our enemies.” And by enemies, we’re not just talking about the usual suspects. We’re talking about craft “not of this world.”

Here’s a video that’s a veritable carnival of conspiracy, a circus of the celestial, if you will. The CIA UFO disclosure hearings are the main event, and let me tell you, it’s quite the spectacle. The hearings delve into the murky waters of UFO sightings and potential government cover-ups. It’s like a real-life episode of “The X-Files,” but with less Mulder and Scully and more whistleblowers and congressmen. Now, here’s a plot twist that would make a Hollywood screenwriter salivate: releasing the real UFO file could upstage the false disclosure version and potentially lead to significant consequences for those involved. It’s like a game of intergalactic chess, with the fate of the political landscape hanging in the balance.

One of the star attractions of this circus is the controversial claim made by Philip Corso in 1997. He stated that a colonel saw dead alien bodies and knew about crash retrievals, and was willing to testify to Congress. It’s a tale that’s been echoing through the corridors of conspiracy for decades. The Dark Journalist, a figure as enigmatic as his name suggests, encourages us to ask serious questions about UFOs and the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in creating a UFO threat program. It’s like a cosmic call to arms for truth seekers everywhere.

Interestingly, the focus on military sightings and downplaying of civilian UFO sightings suggests an authoritarian model where the government controls the narrative and information flow. It’s a bit like a game of ‘Simon Says,’ but with UFO sightings instead of silly actions. The idea of an undersea civilization being used as a cover story for UFOs and emergency powers is floated, adding another layer of intrigue to this already complex narrative. It’s like a deep-sea dive into the unknown, with a side order of political power play. The video concludes with a sobering thought: “The government never voluntarily gives up information or power, and they’re not going to do it in the case of UFO disclosure either.” It’s a reminder that, in the game of disclosure, the house always wins.

The video also explores the deeper understanding of the UFO phenomenon that goes beyond just “nuts and bolts aliens” and includes a supernatural element. UFOs and X technology operate outside traditional models of reality physics, causing phenomena like time loss and mysterious distortions, suggesting a consciousness field at play. It’s like a cosmic cocktail of science, spirituality, and a dash of the supernatural.

So, we have a date that’s as tantalizing as a freshly baked apple pie left on a windowsill: July 26th 2023. This marked a historic day as testimonies were given under oath, providing a detailed account of events that many people were not previously aware of. It’s like a surprise party, but with less cake and more extraterrestrial revelations.

Then, enter our intrepid heroes, Navy Pilots David Fraver and Ryan Graves. They’re not just here to share spooky campfire stories about strange lights in the sky. Oh no, they’re here to provide powerful evidence of their encounters with unidentified aircraft. It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it? One minute you’re gazing at the stars, the next you’re contemplating the safety of your homeland. But the intrigue doesn’t stop there. Apparently, there’s been a deliberate attempt to lie and deceive the public about the Pentagon’s knowledge of extraterrestrial materials. It’s a bit like finding out your grandmother has been secretly mastering quantum physics in her spare time.

Now, don’t think this is a one-off event. The hearing on first contact evidence was a historic moment with incredible interest and attendees from across the planet, signaling a huge advance in the consideration of such allegations. It’s like a never-ending season of your favorite reality TV show. And in case you were wondering, yes, there’s a bit of a critique of the defense and intelligence community. The concept of “administrative terrorism” sheds light on the controversial actions taken by certain individuals within these communities to silence others and control the narrative. It’s a bit like a political version of a soap opera, isn’t it? Finally, we’re left with a sobering thought: “We need to overcome our divisions and see the world from the point of view of humanity and the Earth as our singular home, in order to approach larger issues in a more productive way.” It’s a reminder that, in the game of disclosure, the house always wins.

The video also explores the deeper understanding of the UFO phenomenon that goes beyond just “nuts and bolts aliens” and includes a supernatural element. UFOs and X technology operate outside traditional models of reality physics, causing phenomena like time loss and mysterious distortions, suggesting a consciousness field at play.

Thanks to science fiction & fantasy author Stephen Hunt for compiling and authoring this weekly report. Best-known for creating the steampunk genre with his best-selling Jackelian series (HarperCollins/Macmillan/Tor), the first of Stephen’s Sliding Void space opera series adventures was simultaneously the #1 most downloaded novel on Amazon UK, Amazon USA, Amazon Australia, and Amazon Canada. Mr. H. now makes time in between scribbling his literary endeavours to go so far down the rabbit hole that we’d need to dispatch the White Rabbit as a Crash Retrieval Specialist to rescue his ass. He’s now released his very first non-fiction work, investigating the odd world of UFOs and UAPs… Strange Incursions. Grab your copy from

UFO/UAP roundup (5/12/21).


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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