World getting weirder

Moon landing: a Hollywood blockbuster or NASA’s finest hour? (weird video)

Today, we’re taking a detour from our usual interstellar adventures to revisit a classic theory: Did NASA really land on the moon, or was it all a Hollywood spectacle? Grab your popcorn and suspend your disbelief, because this is going to be a wild ride!

Motivation for Faking the Moon Landing

Picture this: It’s the height of the Cold War, and the USA is in a heated space race with the USSR. The stakes? Nothing less than the moon itself. But there’s a problem – getting to the moon is hard. Like, really hard. So, what’s a superpower to do?

Well, according to some, NASA turned to Stanley Kubrick, the mastermind behind “2001: A Space Odyssey,” to help them fake the moon landing. Yes, you heard that right. The theory goes that the moon landing was less “one small step for man” and more “one giant leap for movie magic.”

But why would Kubrick agree to such a thing? Well, the theorists suggest a mix of artistic freedom, financial support, and a dash of good old-fashioned blackmail. Sounds like the plot of a thriller, doesn’t it?

  • Challenges of the Moon Landing

Now, let’s talk about why getting to the moon was so tricky. Ever heard of the Van Allen radiation belts? They’re these bands of high-energy particles surrounding Earth, and they’re not exactly friendly to astronauts or spacecraft.

In fact, the Van Allen belts have electrons with energies of millions of volts, which would equate to a temperature of about 10 million degrees Kelvin. That’s hotter than the surface of the sun! So, you can see why some people might think a moon landing was a bit out of reach for 1969 technology.

But as Rick Fienberg, the press officer for the American Astronomical Society, points out, these claims can be knocked on the head.

  • The Truth Behind the No Landing Theories
  1. The Flapping Flag: The American flag in the moon landing photos appears to be flapping in the wind. But wait, there’s no wind on the moon! The flag isn’t flapping; it’s a special flag designed by NASA with a horizontal rod inside to make it stick out from the flagpole. The ripple effect is due to the partially-extended rod, not the wind.
  2. The Missing Stars: The lunar sky in the moon landing photos is devoid of stars. But this isn’t because the landing was staged; it’s because the camera’s exposure was too short to capture the dimmer stars while also capturing the brightly lit lunar surface and astronauts’ space suits.
  3. The Odd Shadows: Some objects in the moon landing photos are visible even though they’re in shadow. This isn’t due to special Hollywood lighting; it’s because the lunar ground reflects the sun’s light, illuminating objects in the shadow.
  4. The Invisible Camera: In one photo, Armstrong is reflected in Aldrin’s visor, but he doesn’t appear to be holding a camera. That’s because the camera was mounted on the front of his suit, not held in his hands.
  5. The Kubrick Connection: Some believe Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing. But the only “evidence” of this has been proven to be a hoax. Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey” looked realistic because he enlisted astronomical artists and aerospace engineers to help him, not because he filmed the moon landing.

The Reality of the Moon Landing

Despite these theories, the moon landing was a real, monumental achievement. As Fienberg points out, about 400,000 scientists, engineers, technologists, machinists, and electricians worked on the Apollo program. Keeping a secret of that magnitude for over 50 years would be no easy feat.

So, while it’s fun to entertain these theories, let’s not forget the reality: the Apollo 11 moon landing was a testament to human ingenuity and determination. And that, dear SFcrowsnest readers, is a story that truly is out of this world.

Moon landing: a Hollywood blockbuster or NASA's finest hour? (weird video)
Moon landing: a Hollywood blockbuster or NASA’s finest hour? (weird video)


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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