Offworld ReportScience

Interstellar object Oumuamua might be alien probe, now solid hydrogen concept disproved (science news).

In 2018, the solar system experienced a visiting object flying by from interstellar space.

The object, dubbed ‘Oumuamua, seemed to be long and thin — cigar-shape. Deep space scanners then showed it was accelerating for a fly-past of the solar system (rather than being captured by one of our planets or star’s gravity wells), with a force pushing it.

This was explained away at the time as outgassing from a hydrogen iceberg, but a new study has shown that a hydrogen comet object would burn up in short order, and couldn’t even begin to cross through deep space from one star system to another.

So, back to alien probes, again? Well, the way 2020 is working out, if this was a scout for something that might be arriving in due time, it would kind of be the cherry on the cake, now, wouldn’t it?

Interstellar object Oumuamua might be probe, now solid hydrogen concept disproved (science news).
Interstellar object Oumuamua might be probe, now solid hydrogen concept disproved (science news).

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Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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