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Inside The Black Vault by John Greenewald, Jr. (book review).

“Inside The Black Vault” is the debut work of John Greenewald, Jr., where he delves deep into the subject of UFOs/UAPs based on his extensive research. Over the years, he has meticulously combed through nearly 2 million pages sourced from the USA’s Freedom of Information Act, starting from his late teens.

A quick perusal reveals that the book offers full-sized, readable page examples, which contrasts with his subsequent work, making one wonder about the change in approach. Greenewald’s quest to access these documents wasn’t always straightforward. He often found himself chasing elusive files, sometimes being misled by officials who claimed certain records didn’t exist, only to release them later.

This process would test the patience of many, and Greenewald believes that the obfuscation was a tactic by government officials, hoping that researchers would simply give up. The lack of geeks in administration might be a reason for this inefficiency.

Greenewald also sheds light on Project Blue Book, long suspected to be a diversionary effort. Thankfully, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, during his involvement, indicated that some UFO sightings warranted serious investigation. The attribution of certain sightings to local causes, rather than top-level decisions, underscores the need for a discerning, informed eye. Greenewald’s exploration of Project Moon Dust and the list of informed high-ranking individuals, who appeared to take no substantive action, challenges the U.S.’s position of plausible deniability. This is especially true considering the speed at which these UFOs maneuvered across American skies. If these were crafts from adversaries like Russia, the media would have surely been ablaze with the news. Intriguingly, scant information is available online about Project Moon Dust.

From an analytical standpoint, Greenewald highlights patterns in UAP/UFO appearances. The consistent reappearance suggests that new entities might be familiarizing themselves with our environment. With speeds exceeding Mach 12, these UAPs seem to outpace conventional radar, but repeated bearings could possibly trace their trajectories.

The book also delves into the correlation between U2 flights and the surge in UAP sightings. Such connections hint at potential reconnaissance or monitoring objectives of these unidentified crafts, particularly around nuclear storage sites. This aligns with the theory that they’re keen on tracking human advancements.

While recent footage from the U.S. Navy validates the existence of UAPs, agencies like the NSA and CIA have historically maintained a contrasting stance. This book makes readers ponder the wealth of classified data that remains, especially given the redactions in many of Greenewald’s documents.

Greenewald’s resourcefulness is evident when he procures data from Canada, a nation less secretive about UFOs. However, this opens the question of why similar endeavors haven’t been pursued with countries like Mexico, known for numerous sightings.

In the concluding chapter, Greenewald offers his insights into the myriad explanations surrounding UAP phenomena. While skeptics highlight the implausibility of interstellar travel durations, an alternative perspective suggests that extraterrestrials might have already established a base on Earth. Despite official denials, the consistent monitoring by U.S. agencies is hard to ignore.

This book is an eye-opener. Greenewald doesn’t make grandiose claims; instead, he emphasizes the intrigue and sensitivity surrounding the documents he procured. With the recent public disclosures by the U.S. Navy, a sequel from Greenewald exploring the latest revelations would be eagerly awaited.

GF Willmetts

August 2023

(pub: Rowman & Littlewood, 2019. 174 page small enlarged paperback. Price: varies. ISBN: 978-1-5381-1837-5)

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Geoff Willmetts has been editor at SFCrowsnest for some 21 plus years now, showing a versatility and knowledge in not only Science Fiction, but also the sciences and arts, all of which has been displayed here through editorials, reviews, articles and stories. With the latter, he has been running a short story series under the title of ‘Psi-Kicks’ If you want to contribute to SFCrowsnest, read the guidelines and show him what you can do. If it isn’t usable, he spends as much time telling you what the problems is as he would with material he accepts. This is largely how he got called an Uncle, as in Dutch Uncle. He’s not actually Dutch but hails from the west country in the UK.

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