
Captain America animated TV series: the one where they stole Jack Kirby’s actual comic art and never gave him money for it (video).

Scott makes time to bring you an hour-long video documentary on the now almost forgotten Captain America animated TV series from 1966, where the makers basically knicked Jack Kirbys comic art, pushed it about the screen a bit in lieu of actual original animation, and never gave Kirby money for it.

Was there a lawsuit off the back of the TV series that nearly ended Captain America as a viable franchise?

Hell yes!

Captain America animated TV series: the one where they stole Jack Kirby's actual comic art and never gave him money for it (video).
Captain America animated TV series: the one where they stole Jack Kirby’s actual comic art and never gave him money for it (video).


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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