
Stories of Hope and Wonder: charity science fiction anthology riding high (news).

Science fiction author Philip Palmer (of Debatable Space fame, among other excellent works) drops the Nest a line* to let us know about the Hope and Wonder charity science fiction anthology currently riding high in the Amazon charts.

Philip says, “I’m proud to be part of a short story anthology called Stories of Hope and Wonder, edited by Ian Whates. Fifty-three writers have contributed stories to what must be one of the most stellar collections of SF and fantasy stories for a good while.”

All proceeds from the book are going to healthcare workers who are risking their lives, and losing their lives, every day.

As well as Mr. Palmer, the line-up includes such SF legends as Stephen Baxter, Juliet E. McKenna, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Peter F. Hamilton, Lavie Tidhar, Lauren Beukes, Adam Roberts, and Jon Courtenay Grimwood.

When we checked, it was #244 Paid in the overall Kindle Store charts – let’s drive that puppy even higher!

You can grab a copy over at in the UK, or in the USA.

Stories of Hope and Wonder: charity science fiction anthology riding high (news).
Stories of Hope and Wonder: charity science fiction anthology riding high (news).

* Thanks for this news tip-off goes to SFF author Stephen Hunt, who shared Phil’s missive with us.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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