Star TrekStar Wars

Star Trek versus Star Wars: much like Highlander, can there “be only one?” (article)

Star Trek and Star Wars are two of the most popular and enduring science fiction franchises in the world. One was created first in the 1960s (Trek wins, here), but both have since spawned numerous television series, films, books, comics, and other media. They are known for their rich and complex universes, engaging characters, and exciting stories.

Star Trek was created by Gene Roddenberry and first debuted on television in 1966. The franchise is set in the distant future and follows the adventures of the crew of the USS Enterprise, a starship that explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species and civilizations. The franchise is known for its optimistic and idealistic vision of the future, where humanity has overcome its problems and is working together with other species to explore the universe.

Star Wars, on the other hand, was created by George Lucas and first released as a film in 1977. The series is set in a galaxy far, far away and follows the adventures of various characters, including the Jedi knights, who use the power of the Force to fight against the evil Empire. The franchise is known for its epic space battles, colorful characters, and imaginative creatures and technology.

There are many differences between the two franchises, and which one is better is ultimately a matter of personal preference. Some people may prefer the optimistic and idealistic vision of the future in Star Trek, while others may prefer the epic space battles and imaginative world-building of Star Wars.

However, one possible argument for why Star Trek is better than Star Wars is that the former deals with more complex and sophisticated themes. Trek often explores issues such as race, gender, and social justice, and its stories often challenge the viewer to think about these issues in a deeper way. In contrast, Star Wars is often seen as more focused on action and adventure, and its stories are not as concerned with these types of themes.

Another possible pro-Trek argument is Roddenberry’s creation offers a wider variety of settings and environments. The franchise takes place in deep space, on different planets, and even on Earth, giving it a greater sense of scope and diversity. In contrast, Star Wars is mostly set in space and on a few key planets, which can make it feel more limited in comparison. Tatooine again, sigh? Or another desert planet. Well, it’s cheap to shoot in Tunisia, right?

Ultimately, whether Star Trek or Star Wars is better is a matter of personal preference. Both franchises have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and which one is better for you will depend on your own interests and tastes. So, don’t be afraid to explore both franchises and decide for yourself which one you like best.

Star Trek versus Star Wars: much like Highlander, can there “be only one?” (article)


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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