Music/AudioStar Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation Volume One Limited Edition music composed and conducted by Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chatterway, Fred Steiner, Don Davis and John Debney (CD review).

It was long ago and faraway and well before the remained worlds of new ‘Star Trek’, this was our new ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’. Twenty-one years after Captain Kirk, came Captain Picard. He of the shiny head led the new crew. They were so different, reflecting how far American society had moved on with sexual equality, racial equality yet strangely still with the short skirts for the ‘girl’. There was still some progress to be made.


This was Nu-trek and it boldly went about its business for seven series and the composers went about theirs, producing a galaxy filled with themes. The themes carried on from the older Trek but took us to new places and this set of CDs covers some of the seven seasons.

There are three discs in Volume One and cover music by Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaway and finally guest composers are included in the third disc.

That ST-NG theme gladdens my heart because it had been a long dry time for the SF fan and this show resulted in a slew of new variations on the theme which probably reached its peak with ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’. But there are some things that should be fondly remembered and the music and probably the show fit into this category.

The CD did not keep me entertained after that initial uplifting theme. It just feels repetitive. It’s probably despite the music that I still love the show. This issue is a little like an embarrassing relation who occasionally comes out in a dated dress with a hint of a moustache. That’s uncles for you.

It seems cruel to suggest the music is forgettable when so much work goes into it but like the Trill, it needs a host. The series would not be complete without its music and neither is the music. Like a whiskey and soda in the holodeck, both are best enjoyed together and the shortcomings of each can be blended into a more acceptable whole.

Sue Davies

(pub: LaLa Land Records LLLCD 1176. 3 CDs 236 minutes 29 tracks. Price: $67.99 (US), £32.98 (UK))
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