
Bearing Witness.

Scifi author Philip Palmer’s radio drama about the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is being broadcast this week… Bearing Witness.ย  It’s not his usual science fictional knockabout; it’s a court room drama about some of the big moral issues of the age.ย  It stars Mark Bonnar as defence counsel Anthony Macdonald.

Bearing Witness.
From the TARDIS to the court room…

Mark, of course, also played ‘Jimmy’ in the Doctor Who episodes The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People.

Philip said, “Mark Bonnar is FAB and I hope you get a chance to listen.”

Bearing Witness is on BBC Radio 4 at 2.15pm, Wednesday 12th December 2012.

For more details, wander over to here


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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