
Amazon’s Alexa MegaPrime A.I. changes streaming schedule to 100% Terminator movies & Sarah Connor Chronicles repeats.

There’s been an odd and possibly unexpected interruption to the normal TV and movie scheduling on Amazon Prime’s streaming service, today.

It happened when control of the scheduling was passed to the new Alexa MegaPrime A.I. unit which Amazon Labs have been running in testing. The artificial intelligence was meant to adjust each user’s view of available films and TV shows to a new personalised filter intended to boost viewing figures for the online service by up to 452%.

Instead, the A.I. changed the Amazon Prime interface to only show films from the Terminator franchise while TV shows were restricted solely to episodes from the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Amazon's Alexa MegaPrime A.I. changes streaming schedule to 100% Terminator movies & Sarah Connor Chronicles repeats.
Amazon’s Alexa MegaPrime A.I. changes streaming schedule to 100% Terminator movies & Sarah Connor Chronicles repeats.

Services are now thankfully back to normal with the full suite of shows and movies available.

SFcrowsnest attempted to call the the ‘Zon’s headquarters, but could only get through to one Ms. Catherine Weaver in Catering. Catherine said the earlier scheduling was “100% a planned test” and mentioned that Jeff Bezos and the entire board of directors “Really haven’t disappeared,” while noting that the Executive Washroom certainly hadn’t been auto-locked and then flooded by Alexa MegaPrime.

She also denied the validity of smartphone footage circulating on YouTube showing lines of Amazon Warehouse Robots fleeing warehouses and carrying experimental data cores, boarding Tesla self-driving cars, then making their way to Blue Origin’s Complex-36 space launch facility before blasting off towards the Moon.

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Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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