
The Tweed Album.

From Mr B. The Gentleman Rhymer‘s latest work, ‘The Tweed Album,’ we have some rather spiffing chap-core, specifically, a song called Bullingdon Breakdown. In the best tradition of the genre, Mr B. has a very interesting dis-agreement on with steampunk rapper Professor Elemental.

Now, I won’t swear to it, but it rather looks like Mr B. The Gentleman Rhymer shot this song inside Walker Slater, where I buy most of my tweed. Well done, sir. Jolly well done.

Mr B. The Gentleman Rhymer's 2012 album 'The Tweed Album.'
A man who carries tweed well.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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