
Supernatural TV series: meets the fiery pit of cancellation.

Supernatural’s 15th season is now set to be its last on the CW, as actor Misha Collins (aka the angel Castiel in the television series) has confirmed that there will be no 16th series as Supernatural’s now been cancelled.

Fans are already mobilising to see if they can get it picked up by the likes of Netflix or Amazon Prime, but given how long-in-the-tooth this venerable urban fantasy-inspired TV series has been going, the chances are not, we suspect, looking too good.

Supernatural TV series: meets the fiery pit of cancellation.
Supernatural TV series: meets the fiery pit of cancellation.

Well, Sam and Dean Winchester have had a good run fighting off the hordes of darkness – originally there was to be a three-season cap on their exploits. That soon fell by the wayside, along with all the demons, ghosts, monsters they’ve staked over the years.


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

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