Star Trek

Star Trek Next Generation reboot: Bruce Willis to play Picard.

JJ Abrams has announced that the third ‘Star Trek’ film will be a time travel story with the Enterprise arriving in the future and meeting the Next Generation cast. Bruce Willis is going to play Captain Jean-Luc Piccard. If the film is successful, the director/producer said there would be nothing stopping having two different ‘Star Trek’ movies on alternative years.

Bruce Willis, a long-time Star Trek fan himself, reportedly accepted the role on the condition that he would be allowed to say “Yippee-kai-yai-yay, Data!” at least three times during the movie. Another long-time Trekkie, Woody Allen, is to help write the script, promising a dark sci-fi reworking of his 1995 film ‘Mighty Aphrodite’, “but with Borg… very witty Borg, you know?” Bradley Cooper will play android Data, Jim Caviezel is play Commander William Riker, while Anna Friel has been cast as Deanna Troi. Wil Wheaton is to play an evil, time traveling middle-aged version of Wesley Crusher from the Mirror Universe, who causes the Chris Pine-commanded Enterprise to meet its later incarnation.

Cinema fandom has long yearned for a Willis-Woody-Abrams team-up, and the Star Trek universe seems the ideal milieu to blend what all parties have to bring to the table.

Star Trek Next Generation reboot: Bruce Willis to play Picard.
Star Trek Next Generation reboot: Bruce Willis to play Picard.



Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

2 thoughts on “Star Trek Next Generation reboot: Bruce Willis to play Picard.

  • Will Woody Allen be reprising his ‘Sleeper’ robot butler character as a Borg domestic with coordination problems?
    Will Bruce Willis’s Picard defeat the Borg by activating the ‘Mighty Aphrodite’ ‘Fifth Element’? Assuming they can get Milla Jojovich on board, as well.
    And where, exactly, does the Red Dwarf fit in with all of this?

  • I think Andy Serkis would make a great Quark if you were to include him in the reboot. Very talented actor who could easily make the part his own. He would also be able to do a very unique portrayal of Data.


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