BooksDoctor Who

Doctor Who: Protect And Survive by Jonathan Morris.

The TARDIS is alarmed, so are Ace and Hex in ‘Protect And Survive’. Ace, 20th century fighting girl with her backpack of Geli and an attitude as explosive, just can’t cope with the fact that the Doctor has abandoned them. Hex is half-way there, a troubled man since the revelation about the Doctor’s part in his mother’s death, he is inclined to lose his faith.

With the cloister bell ringing and no Doctor to save the day, the pair are forced out into the Scottish countryside and meet up with Albert and Peggy, who are just doing a little preparation at their cottage. Realisation dawns that they are following the government leaflet, issued when nuclear strikers are imminent. It’s the end of the world as we know it and we don’t feel fine.

Time is running out as our companions throw in their lot with the old couple and in the following days their worst fears are realised. Where is the Doctor and why won’t he save them?

‘Protect And Survive’ cheekily uses our memories of Raymond Briggs ‘When The Wind Blows’ to make us really care about these people. It’s an enthralling piece and skilfully written by Jonathan Morris. With the radio announcements by Peter Egan, this also reminds me of the Frankie Goes To Hollywood single ‘Two Tribes’, with the voice over by the late Patrick Allen. Egan is a creditable replacement with just the degree of officialdom and menace. I hope we never get to hear them for real.

I didn’t see the end coming and, needless to say, it leads into the next story ‘Black And White’ where we find out why the TARDIS is white. Intriguing stuff.

Sue Davies

August 2012

(pub: Big Finish. 2 CDs 120 minute story. Price: CD: £14.99 (UK), Download: £12.99 (UK). ISBN: 978-1-84435-943-1)

cast: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Philip Olivier, Ian Hogg, Elizabeth Bennett and Peter Egan

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