
Daemons Are Forever (Secret Histories: 2) by Simon R. Green (book review)

Eddie Drood is back and this time it’s a ‘Family’ matter. For those of you who haven’t read the first book in the ‘Secret Histories’ series, please click away now as spoilers will follow in 3… 2… 1…


Following Eddie’s exile by his family and his subsequent rooting out of the faction seeking to take control, he’s now in charge of the Droods and not too happy about it. After discovering his family’s dark secret of how their protective golden torcs came to be, he decides to set things straight.

Unfortunately, this is a tad tougher than anticipated, especially as the Drood agents out in the field are vulnerable and the family’s enemies are starting to realise that they’re ripe for the picking.

Green’s mash-up of Bond and the supernatural continues in the same vein as ‘The Man With The Golden Torc’ although this time it deals more with the man as ‘M’ rather than 007, which takes a little getting used to. I want my secret agents shooting bad guys and romancing equally bad women, not hiring tutors and balancing budgets.

That’s not to say Eddie is remaining behind the desk, he takes more of a hands on approach than the previous Family leader. Recruiting his kind-of girl-friend Molly, the formerly-known-as Jack the Ripper Mr Stab and luck trader Subway Sue, he sets out to prove that his family’s power hasn’t waned while at the same time attempting to stave off threats from within. They’re also joined by a face that will be familiar to fans of Green’s other works.

If you liked the first book in the series, then you’ll enjoy this one as well. Thankfully, Eddie spends more time in one role this time around and the reader isn’t left playing catch up quite as much.

Showing no signs of slowing down and expanding the Eddie Drood universe, Simon Green has hit the mark once again with this series and it’ll be interesting to see where it takes us next.


Aidan Fortune

December 2012


(pub: Gollancz. 394 page enlarged paperback. Price: £12.99 (UK). ISBN: 978-0-575-07945-8

394 page enlarged paperback. Price: £ 7.99 (UK). ISBN: 978-0-575-08483-4

check out website:


Once called a "fountain of useless pop culture knowledge", Aidan is an unashamed geek, grateful that he is allowed share his opinions on a global scale. A journalist by trade, Aidan is a massive fan of comics and recently set up a comics group in Brighton in order to engage more with like-minded people. His home is subject to a constant battle of vintage paraphernalia and science fiction & fantasy toys.

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