
Confessions From The Grassy Knoll (DVD review).

50 years on from the assassination of JFK, the event is still surrounded in mystery and conspiracy theories continue to be put forward. Here we have a fairly comprehensive documentary, not involving just one man and his testament, but a wide range of opinion and speculation. Two hours long, it’s absorbing in the extreme and the more you watch, the more suspicious you become. One thing is evident and that’s the Warren Commission which looked into the assassination is completely inadequate. We are opening a can of worms by looking at this but you can guarantee that there will never be a proper inquest. It will remain shrouded in mystery for many years to come.


From the DVD, we have evidence that a couple of FBI agents witnessed the autopsy of JFK. The bullet that went into his back only entered a couple of inches and did not, as was speculated, go through to hurt the other passenger in front. This bullet was found on the stretcher! The two agents later died in mysterious circumstances. Lots of other pieces of evidence are put forward, likewise some of the interview with James Files. All in all, this DVD appears to be a very comprehensive presentation and one that is definitely worth watching.

However, we’ve got to remember that this is a commercial DVD. It’s very easy to present a cast-iron case which seems to be foolproof but we are not in possession of all the evidence. Everything we see should be taken with a modicum of doubt. One thing is certain and that’s the fact that all the evidence was not handed over to the public and never will be. Because of that, we are left with uncertainty. If, as some people claim, it was a coup d’état by Lyndon B. Johnson, then we will not be made aware of this officially. Any future president who divulges this would put the country to shame and shake its foundations to the roots.

No other United States President in history aroused so much controversy. His coming to power was a media blitz. I can remember, as a young boy in the UK, a couple of lines of kids, waiting to go into school, with one line shouting, ‘Kennedy’ and the other shouting, ‘Nixon’, just before the presidential election in 1960. Even across the Atlantic, we were made aware of the Kennedy phenomenon and doubtless this hasn’t happened since. During his few years in power there were scandals, with Marilyn Monroe, for example, and then there was The Bay Of Pigs fiasco and the Cuban missile crisis which almost destroyed the world. After that, Kennedy had to go, likewise Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev. Later, Robert Kennedy was assassinated and Edward Kennedy was put on the sidelines with the Mary Jo Kopechne scandal. It was no surprise that Jacqueline Kennedy, the President’s wife, soon became the wife of a powerful Greek shipping tycoon and received protection thereafter.

If you’re interested in world history and this was one of the most momentous events in that history, then you’ve got to watch this DVD. Whether or not it’s true, it will get you thinking. People in the UK should check that this NTSC format American DVD will be readable in their players.

Rod MacDonald

October 2013

(region 1 DVD: MVD Entertainment Group. 120 minute film with extras. Price: $14.95 (US), £ 7.46 (US). ASIN: B00AMHFPK6)

cast: Chauncey Marvin Holt, Robert James E. Files

check out website:

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