Doctor WhoMusic/Audio

Bernie Summerfield: Epoch by Mark Wright, Jacqueline Rayner, Tony Lee, Scott Handcock (cd review).

The box set includes a bonus DVD featuring the Bernice Summerfield animated adventure Dead and Buried, together with all-new video documentaries produced exclusively for this release.’

There are four stories on this ‘Bernie Summerfield: Epoch’ boxed set, download and they follow on from the previous Season 11 although you don’t need to have heard those to catch up with Bernice’s character, who originally appeared in the Paul Cornell novel ‘Love And War’, also now produced on audio.


The Kraken’s Lament by Mark Wright

Opening on Atlantis, Bernice ‘Benny’ Summerfield is looking for a man called Acanthus, who needs an assistant. She has no idea how she got there. Although Benny had been heading for a planet called Zordin, Benny is in classical civilisation with the many wonders materialising from the age of myths.

Benny can’t quite believe her eyes when the Kraken itself emerges from the waves and she not able to leave things alone is soon investigating. The blind teller of tales, Acanthus, does his best to help her quest but there is a price to pay.

The Temple Of Questions by Jacqueline Rayner

With her new besties, Ruth and Leo, Benny delves under the seas as the reality shifts around them. Losing her old friends, she is all at sea with gods, monsters and questions which could mean life or death.

As the gods demand her fealty, Benny wants to get to the bottom of more than the ocean.

Private Enemy Number 1 by Tony Lee

Benny is increasingly unsure or reality and things come to a head with both new friend, Leo, and the mysterious religious group known as the Hirophants.

Judgement Day by Scott Handcock

All is finally revealed as the plot jumps from place to place and Benny to Benny. All is not what it seems at all. With multiple realities converging Benny and Benny and even Benny may have to make a horrible choice to beat the Epoch.

Producing a boxed set is an expensive investment and that works for the purchaser as well. I’ve enjoyed these stories twice over and there seems to be a good balance between light and darkness in these four tales. The character of Bernice, so much more attractive and less smug than the other so-called archaeologist in the TV series, continues to plunge into difficulties and tries to make sense of her continuing adventures. There is always something different on offer and this time the series challenges our expectations again, giving us plenty to think about as it changes not only how we view events but also how we view characters.

Bernice Summerfield’s adventures continue in ‘Road Trip’ and ‘Legion’. This woman does not stand around.

Sue Davies

(pub: Big Finish. 4 CDs 4 * 60 minute stories. Price: CD: £45.00 (UK), Download: £40.00 (UK). ISBN: 978-1-84435-598-3)

cast: Lisa Bowerman, Ayesha Antoine, Marcus Hutton, David Ames, Michael Thomson, Prentis Hancock, Tracy Brabin, John Stahl, John Montgomery, Graeme Henderson, Chris Johnson and Rebecca Newman

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