
The Guild: The Official Companion (book review).

I can’t believe I’ve fallen behind with the Guild but here is the giant book of ‘The Guild’ or ‘The Official Companion’ to give it the most boring title ever. For those of you in a cupboard, ‘The Guild’ is the massively successful and gloriously funny brainchild of a woman who previously spent too much time on-line gaming to actually get a life and an acting job. Felicia Day realised that her therapy and cure was to make an on-line series on a budget of less than peanuts and bring it to the attention of the general public who like free study. As showreels go, this is the ultimate.


If you can remember eagerly await the next instalment of the ‘The Guild’ which chronicles the lives of the gamers who form an on-line team as they struggle to exist in the real world then you have probably already bought the book. For the rest of you, buy the book, the DVDs and everything else. It is refreshingly different from most of the depressing stuff that TV churns out. After all, the Guild lead to ‘Captain Horrible’ and ‘Husbands’ and if you haven’t caught up to those neither then get off your chair and get googling.

The book covers the six seasons to date with lots of photographs and some bios of the main characters with inside information on the production and how it all began. I like this book which hopefully will satisfy with its reproduction of the art work including the infamous book cover of Wil Wheaton and Felicia (Wil’s in a kilt!!). This book and the series reminded me that TV is about entertainment fun and not dumbing down. ‘The Guild’ is a great untainted show that sets the standards for quality comedy.

Sue Davies

August 2013

(pub: Titan Books. 160 page illustrated softcover. Price: £16.00 (UK), $19.95 (US), $23.95 (CAN). ISBN: 978-1-78119-260-6)

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