The Future Is Yours by Dan Frey (book review in situ).
From: Geoff Willmetts, SF Crowsnest
To: Gareth D Jones
Hi Gareth, here’s a new book for you to review: ‘The Future Is Yours’ by Dan Frey. It’s written as a series of emails, texts, transcripts, reports etc.
Hi Geoff, sounds great – I like that kind of thing. I’ve read (and written) quite a few short stories like that, but a whole novel is unusual. Send it my way!
Copy that.
Gareth D Jones
Hey Alex, I got this new book to review, and it’s just like that film we watched last week, ‘Searching’ where the whole film was on a computer screen, made up of emails, videocalls etc.
Alexander D Jones
This is really clever. It alternates around a senate committee hearing, with all the other docs used like flashbacks.
Why’s it written like that?
Just a gimmick?
No. It’s about a tech startup, so the form fits the subject matter.
Doesn’t it make it hard to read?
A whole novel?
No, it reads surprisingly smoothly.
I didn’t notice the format after a whale.
TYPO! While.
My new novel ‘The Future Is Yours’ is about two friends who create a computer that can see one year into the future. Due to be published 09-Feb-2021, I’ve already seen a review by Gareth D Jones on SF Crowsnest. He loves it.
From: Gareth D Jones
To: Geoff Willmetts, SF Crowsnest
Hi Geoff, I read this one really fast. It flowed well and moved at quite a pace. The main characters’ personalities shine through really well considering it’s all transcripts of various kinds of communication and no actual traditional prose as such. I’ll get my review over to you soon.
No rush. I’ll just cut and past from Dan Frey’s website. He posted it a year ago.
What if I don’t write it? Won’t that cause a paradox?
According to your review, these are the kinds of issues that the novel addresses.
Hmmm. Guess I better get on and write it then.
Gareth D Jones
February 2021
(pub: Del Rey/TOR, 2021. 352 page hardback. Price: £19.65 (UK). ISBN: 978-0-59315-821-0)
check out website: