Monster of the Sky.
Is Monster of the Sky a follow-up to the most excellent novel The Court of the Air? Nope, but it is kinda steampunk, well, maybe clockpunk, anyway. It’s the kickstarter for a new fantasy with puppets movie (forget The Muppets… think The Dark Crystal), complete with princes sporting clockwork exo-wings.
Here’s the blurb…
…a mythical 10-minute sci-fi/fantasy film about a woman swept away to, and then held captive in, a palace in the clouds, her clockwork world interrupted by a handsome stranger from the sky. Enabled by the ghosts of her ancestors, our heroine embarks on a quest to punish her lover and captor, escalating to a spectacular final battle between them: a goddess of destruction and a mechanical winged warrior clash in the silence of deep space. It is a tale of love, revenge and closure.
And here’s the link for those that would like to support this.