Funny! Twenty-Five Years Of Laughter From The Pixar Story Room (book review).
A common misconception is that when any comedy films are made that all the right jokes are selected at the scripting stage. With animation, where so much of it is visual gags, then as John Lasseter describes, egos are left at the door when his team enters the Pixar Story Room and each of the them tries to get the others to laugh. Even if a joke is not used, then it can still lead to others or even, as with the ‘Monster Inc.’ films, be tried again.
What we have in this book, ‘Funny! Twenty-Five Years Of Laughter From The Pixar Story Room’ are the out-takes. Gags that were funny but not used in 16 of their films. As these are all visual, you also get to see quick sketches of the various characters in their raw stages giving immense insight as to what they do. Did I mention that they are also very funny irrespective of the films?
In many respects, I suspect this book will also help any potential comedy cartoonists if they are looking for job prospects in this kind of field.
Picking out any particular gag would be difficult. I haven’t seen all of Pixar’s films but they all tend to work whether you’re familiar with them or not. An added bonus is none of them are smutty, well only a couple, and if your sprogs have turned 12, then they might get a kick from them as well.
GF Willmetts
November 2017
(pub: Chronicle Books. 166 page illustrated square hardback. Price: £18.99 (UK), $29.95 (US). ISBN: 978-1-4521-2228-1)
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