Comic Book Creator #24 Fall 2020 (magazine review).
The latest issue of ‘Comic Book Creator’ is the first part of an interview with cartoonist Scott Shaw!, going over his life and career and the connections in the San Diego area and its first comicbook conventions that he was involved with and the contacts that grew into the industry. A whole new art in name-dropping but it is how you build up connections and a lot of memories. The second part with no doubt get into the creation of Captain Carrot. Even so, it is a delightful intense read.
Although the interview with comicbook writer John Ostrander is brief, his 8 points on becoming a writer is a lesson for any subject to become better at it, you need practice and more practice. Writing is no different than that. I would add that if you plan to be a commercial writer, that is writing for other people not adverts, then you must work on what will appeal to other people and what makes you stand out from the crowd as you express your ideas.
Janice Chiang is a veteran letterer in the comicbook industry and the interview by Michael Aushenker accounts for her history and the changes in the digital age. From what she says, other companies have often adopted her style of lettering and balloon placement.
Richard J. Arnot acknowledges the effect of covid-19 on his regular school job and pupils not returning their school books, through safe conditions, and the effect that will have on American school budgets. I suspect the same will be true world-wide.
Bob Brodsky bids farewell to Dennis ‘Denny’ O’Neil, who died in June. Is there anyone here who hasn’t read any of O’Neil’s comicbooks? So much of the DC Universe has been influenced by his stories and Brodsky places him up there with Stan Lee.
I think artist/writer Timothy Truman’s career developed as I was leaving comics back in the early 90s, although I have a vague memory of having read an early issue of ‘Grimjack’. Jon B. Cooke’s 30 page interview gives a lot of depth to Truman’s ‘mountain boy’ background, not to mention his school education moving around annually with his father’s military career. It does come over as obvious Truman has a love of art but also managed to throw in a lot of other stuff as well, including a musical career. It does explain how his main titles like ‘Grimjack’ and ‘Scout’ are western orientated. Give yourself at least an uninterrupted hour to read it as you won’t want to stop.
Should I also add ‘Comic Book Creator’ is always an interesting read? Nah, you probably know that already or will when you read a few copies.
GF Willmetts
December 2020
(pub: TwoMorrows Publishing. 82 page illustrated magazine. Price: $ 9.95 (US). ISSN: 2330-2437. Direct from them, you can get it for $ 9.95 (US))
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