Am I Overthinking This? by Michelle Rial (book review).
Now am I overthinking here? Michelle Rial’s book ‘Am I Overthinking This?’ on a page flick test is an assortment of photographic and simple art pages, some of it purporting to be the bell-shaped averages graph.
When you read, the text is actually very simple but it is supposed to be. Are you sure you want a lot of text when you want to make your mind up as to what decision you should make on a variety of subjects? Actually, 7 subjects for daily routines, meals, subjects, adult life, relationships and various kinds of stuff that doesn’t fit into the 5 previous subjects.
If you thought that there were only two choices to anything this should widen your horizons. My General Semantics background taught me to weigh up multi-choice possibilities so, in that respect, I’m on home ground. I’m not altogether sure if all these subjects apply to me but in a generalised book, there has to be something for everyone.
Rial’s point throughout the book is don’t over-complicate things. Work out your options and choose the best choice for you. He makes no judgement calls himself other than poking a little fun at the subject.
If you have friends you think complicate their lives too much, then this will be an ideal present this Yuletide.
I do have to wonder if Rial’s next book will look at how quickly some of us deep-thinkers can come up with solutions quicker than his book.
GF Willmetts
July 2019
(pub: Chronicle Books. 136 page illustrated A5 square hardback. Price: £10.99 (UK), $14.95 (US). ISBN: 978-1-4521-7586-7)
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